Cleaning Urine Out of Carpet

Do you have kids and pets at home? Then, dealing with stains on your carpets should be a common problem. You should have already found solutions to the typical stains. However, there is one type of stain you should be afraid of. Cleaning urine out of carpet is not a joke. It is a stubborn stain that needs a careful approach and technique.

Cleaning Urine Out of Carpet

Does cleaning urine out of your carpet give you nightmares? It should not. Whether you are removing old kool aid stains from carpet, or removing urine, ti si important to take action. This post will take you through the process of carpet cleaning and getting urine stains off your carpet. You will learn tips that will not only keep your rug clean but also prevent the effect that stains leave.\

How to Easily Get Urine Out of Your Carpet

It should not worry you that your kids or pet have soiled your carpet. With dishwashing soap, the process will be effortless. See the steps below;

  • Check whether the stained area is still wet. If there is some urine on your carpet, you should use a towel or paper towel to absorb most of the urine. You should begin doing this as soon as you notice the urine to stop it from spreading further.
  • You can use a shop-vac to remove the extra urine. If you do not have one, do not stress yourself. Proceed to the next step.
  • Warm a cup of water and mix it with a spoonful of dishwashing soap. Do not use any other type of detergent because it may have lanolin or bleach.
  • Get a spray bottle and aim the solution on the stain urine. You can also use a clean cloth or paper towel to rub the solution on the stained area.
  • Rinse the stained part with warm water. If there is still a trace of stain, repeat the process all over again.
  • Finally, use a cup of warm water and mix it with two spoonfuls of ammonia. Blot the solution on the stain using a clean cloth. The stain should disappear for good.

Removing Dog Urine From Your Carpet

Do you love dogs? A lot of people do. The only problem is when your dog urinates on the carpet. Fortunately, it is easy to get rid of dog urine from the carpet. Take a look at the steps below and follow them to the letter.

  • As soon as you notice urine, get paper towels and try to soak most of the urine. It helps to prevent stains from spreading and penetrating deep into the carpet fabric.
  • Mix water and vinegar in a ratio of 1:1. Mix enough of the solution so that it can clean the entire area affected by the stain.
  • Pour a generous portion of your solution onto the stain. Use a scrubbing brush to remove the stain. Vinegar will break down the ammonia in urine, and the stain will begin to disintegrate.
  • Use a paper towel to absorb any excess solution. This will prevent the carpet from have a sticky residue.
  • Pour two handfuls of baking soda on the remain stain portion.
  • Make a solution of a spoonful of dishwashing soap and a cup of hydrogen peroxide. Pour the solution on the stain and scrub it with the brush.
  • Let the carpet dry. This will help remove the urine odor properly.

With these two methods, cleaning urine out of carpet should not be a problem anymore. Follow the steps and your urine problem will be over in a breeze. If you think this may be a long process for you, you can always hire a professional carpet cleaner to complete the job and all you will need to do is prep for the cleaning.

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